Inoruhana: Bông Hoa Cầu Nguyện
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Ý Cầu Nguyện

Write your prayer and share it with the other members of the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network

Chia Sẻ Cầu Nguyện

If possible, please write your name or nickname in the end of your sharing prayer's content. Thanks
  • Jubilee 2025

    Dear Lord,
    I highly appreciate your infinite grace for leading me on the journey of faith. The Holy Year 2025 came to us as a special occasion to relive the vocation of love and conversion. Please, God, give me a humble heart so that I can listen to Your Word and put it into practice in everyday life. Amen.


    🌸 🌸 🌸

    Dear Lord!

    Sometimes I still have discord relationships with others. I know that the Lord taught me to love and forgive, but I still stubbornly refused to do it. Dear Lord, please help me to make peace with others, and abandon anger to find peace in God. Amen.

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  • “You shall love your neighbor as yourself”

    Lord, you are a Good Shepherd. I’m just the little one who might not dare to expect anything. Just ask your words to enter into me so that I can love others as myself, even in the way God loved us. Amen.


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    Thank God for a peaceful week filled with the Holy Spirit. It was a hard week, but because of God’s grace, my soul is always equal to peace. I’m grateful to the Lord for always being with me and protecting me. Please, God, accompany me and support me today and forever. Amen.


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    2013.03.12 ~ 2025.03.13 & upward

    Lord, we thank you for sending the holy and humble Father, Pope Francis, to our Church. He is the first SJ and the first Latin American in history to be elected to the throne of St.Peter. Today is the 12th anniversary of his service as the head of our Catholic Church. O merciful Lord, please give him strength to endure the pain and help him recover soon so that he can continue to lead the Church of God according to Your will. Please receive our prayers. Amen.


    🌸 🌸 🌸

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🌸 Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam 🌸