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Ý Cầu nguyện: Cầu nguyện Cho tiếng kêu của trái đất (tháng 9)

Tông đồ cầu nguyện 9/2023


Dựa vào Lời Chúa mỗi ngày, hiệp với ý cầu nguyện của Đức Thánh Cha trong tháng, sáng trưa chiều tối, chúng ta hãy cùng sống với Chúa Giêsu, để trở nên tông đồ cầu nguyện mỗi ngày nhé!

🌸 Nhân Danh Cha và Con và Thánh Thần. Amen. 🌸

Ngày 09 tháng 9 năm 2023

Phụng vụ Lời Chúa


Cùng Chúa Giêsu vào buổi sáng

“I thank the Lord for this day and for living under his care. I ask the Holy Spirit to guide my thoughts and my actions, keeping in mind the words of the Gospel. “”Therefore, stay awake, for you know neither the day nor the hour”” (Mt 25:13). There are many things that occupy my thoughts and distract me from what is really important. I ask the Lord for the grace to cultivate the habit of doing the best I can with the best I have, and of living the ordinary in an extraordinary way. I offer this day for the fruits of WYD Lisbon 2023, the Pope’s prayer intention. Our Father. (CTP Brazil Team)”

🌸 🌸 🌸

Cùng Chúa Giêsu trong ngày

In the pause in the middle of my day, I seek the company of Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, the Carmelite saint who died in Auschwitz along with other members of the Jewish people, known among philosophers as Edith Stein. I review my day with her words. “Whoever has decided to follow Christ has died to the world and the world to him. He bears the stigmata of the Lord on his body. He is weak and despised before men, but for that very reason he is strong, because our weakness manifests the power of God.” Go about your day embracing the difficulties you encounter. (CTP Portugal Team)


🌸 🌸 🌸


Cùng Chúa Giêsu vào buổi tối

I welcome everything I lived today and prepare my heart to close it. What do I want to thank the Father for? Look, Lord, how my heart has responded to your presence today in its events. Show me, Lord, if I have been attentive and listening to your voice. Forgive me if at times I have lived with little conscience, in a hurry and without discerning your steps. The heart of the apostle allows himself to be molded for the mission. For tomorrow, I ask for the grace to watch and be attentive to answer you with humility. Hail Mary. (Team Argentina)

🌸 🌸 🌸

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