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Ý Cầu nguyện: Cầu nguyện cho ơn gọi linh mục và tu sĩ (tháng 2)

Tông đồ cầu nguyện 9/2022


Following webpage Click to Pray, let’s pray together and live with Jesus during the day!

Dựa vào Lời Chúa mỗi ngày, hiệp với ý nguyện của Đức Thánh Cha trong tháng, sáng trưa chiều tối, chúng ta hãy cùng sống với Chúa Giê-su, để trở nên tông đồ cầu nguyện mỗi ngày nhé!

🌸 God Bless You Always 🌸

Ngày 21 tháng 9 năm 2022
Phụng Vụ Lời Chúa

Praying Flower

Cùng Giê-su vào buổi sáng

Xin chờ trong giây lát. Cám ơn!

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🌸 🌸 🌸

Bông Hoa Cầu Nguyện

Cùng Giê-su trong ngày

Xin chờ trong giây lát. Cám ơn!

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🌸 🌸 🌸


Cùng Giê-su vào buổi tối

Xin chờ trong giây lát. Cám ơn!

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🌸 🌸 🌸

🌸 🌸 🌸 🌸 🌸
Praying Flower

With Jesus in the morning

Today we celebrate Saint Matthew the Apostle and put your day under his protection. Ask him for his drive to follow Jesus, leaving aside what does not serve you on this path: “‘Follow me’. And he got up and followed him.” (Mt 9: 9-13). What gifts have you received for the mission that the Lord entrusts to you today? What do you have to give up to be freer in order to follow-up? Matthew knew the mercy of Jesus who called him regardless of his sin. Do you dare to listen to his call too? Discuss this in prayer and offer your journey. Our Father…

🌸 🌸 🌸

Bông Hoa Cầu Nguyện

With Jesus during the day

Take a break from your busyness and record how you have walked through your day. Jesus now passes through your life and offers you his compassion. Pope Francis invites you in this synodal time to “be a Church of closeness, … that does not separate itself from life, but takes care of the fragilities and poverty of our time, healing wounds and healing broken hearts with the balm of God.” What resonates with you in Pope Francis’ words? Today’s gifts are plentiful. Ask Jesus for the infinite confidence with which he bets on the conversion of each and every one.

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With Jesus in the night

Be thankful for the day that is ending. Take some time to look at how you have lived and the direction your day took. Did you decide today to follow Jesus in his mission of compassion? Stop to see if your choices were oriented in this direction. How did you feel? Now, make a resolution to determine to go after him. Ask for the grace to be able to forgive and ask for forgiveness with the same tenacity of Jesus, who never tires of giving us a new opportunity. Please pray for the intention of the month. Hail Mary…

🌸 Bản dịch của Nhóm Bạn Đường Linh Thao 🌸

🌸 God Bless You Always 🌸


Lời Chúa Mỗi Ngày 🌸

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