Following webpage Click to Pray, let’s pray together and live with Jesus during the day!
Dựa vào Lời Chúa mỗi ngày, hiệp với ý nguyện của Đức Thánh Cha trong tháng, sáng trưa chiều tối, chúng ta hãy cùng sống với Chúa Giê-su, để trở nên tông đồ cầu nguyện mỗi ngày nhé!
Ngày 15 tháng 9 năm 2022
Phụng Vụ Lời Chúa
Cùng Giê-su vào buổi sáng
Xin chờ trong giây lát
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Cùng Giê-su trong ngày
Xin chờ trong giây lát
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Cùng Giê-su vào buổi tối
Xin chờ trong giây lát
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With Jesus in the morning
Today we celebrate Mary who accompanies the suffering of Jesus on the cross, and that of each of her children who suffer with her. With her, begin this new day thanking the grace of her motherly love. “Next to the cross of Jesus was his mother.” (John 19, 25-27). Mary shares the suffering of Jesus and yours. She also accompanies those who need it. A gesture, a smile, or your closeness can be of great comfort to those who are struggling. Please pray above all for those who suffer from the death penalty this month. Our Father…
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With Jesus during the day
Take a moment with Mary before continuing then listen to the words of Pope Francis: “The Word of God is also the beacon that guides the synodal journey that has begun throughout the Church. While we commit ourselves to listen to each other, with attention and discernment —because it is not a survey of opinions, no, but to discern the Word, there—, let us listen together to the Word of God and the Holy Spirit. And may the Holy Virgin grant us the perseverance to nourish ourselves every day with the Gospel.” What resonates with you in this? It is important to listen to those around you as She did.
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With Jesus in the night
Calm your heart. Be grateful for what you have experienced today. What were your joys and your sorrows? Did you deal with them alone or did you invite your Holy Mother to come? She can teach you that you are not alone. The Lord is with you and with every other person. She rejoices with our joys and suffers with our pains. Keep this in mind tomorrow and ask the Mother to give you her compassionate and understanding heart, with yourself and with others. Pray that those on death row experience the comfort of her motherly love. Hail Mary…
🌸 Bản dịch của Nhóm Bạn Đường Linh Thao 🌸