Dựa vào Lời Chúa mỗi ngày, hiệp với ý cầu nguyện của Đức Thánh Cha trong tháng, sáng trưa chiều tối, chúng ta hãy cùng sống với Chúa Giêsu, để trở nên tông đồ cầu nguyện mỗi ngày nhé!
🌸 Nhân Danh Cha và Con và Thánh Thần. Amen. 🌸
Ngày 20 tháng 6 năm 2023
Phụng Vụ Lời Chúa

Cùng Chúa Giêsu vào buổi sáng
Open your heart to the Lord and receive this new day by thanking him. Jesus invites you to the newness of His universal love: “For if you love those who love you, what recompense will you have?” (Mt 5:43-48). What is the measure of your love? Jesus offers you His, the only one that guarantees peace and joy in your heart. Look around you and see who is on the edge of your love? What acts of charity can you make to them and to those you don’t like? Talk about these things with the Lord, and plan you day with Him. Our Father. (Team Argentina)
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Cùng Chúa Giêsu trong ngày
Are you tired? Rest your heart with Jesus. Now is the moment. What is at the center of your worries? The Lord invites you to “a lifestyle whose center is not ourselves but the others we meet on our way, with their difficulties and challenges” (Pope Francis). Begin by familiarizing yourself with the names of those you regularly come across on life’s path. Take an interest in their concerns and you will see that your heart will expand more and more to the measure of the heart of Christ. (Team Argentina)

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Cùng Chúa Giêsu vào buổi tối
As I welcome the end of this day and with the help of the Word, I ask myself: do I truly love and pray for my “enemies”? The fear of being hurt or mistreated can sometimes prevent me from acting for and with love. That is why I ask the Lord for forgiveness. I ask you for the grace to remain in your love more, to pray more, and to continually remind myself that I am a child of God. Hail Mary. (Team Italy)
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