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Ý Cầu nguyện: Cầu nguyện Cho tiếng kêu của trái đất (tháng 9)

Tông đồ cầu nguyện 11/2022


Dựa vào Lời Chúa mỗi ngày, hiệp với ý cầu nguyện của Đức Thánh Cha trong tháng, sáng trưa chiều tối, chúng ta hãy cùng sống với Chúa Giê-su, để trở nên tông đồ cầu nguyện mỗi ngày nhé!

🌸 Nhân Danh Cha và Con và Thánh Thần. Amen. 🌸

Ngày 10 tháng 11 năm 2022
Phụng Vụ Lời Chúa

Praying Flower

Cùng Giê-su vào buổi sáng

Xin chờ trong giây lát

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Cùng Giê-su trong ngày

Xin chờ trong giây lát

Bông Hoa Cầu Nguyện

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Cùng Giê-su vào buổi tối

Xin chờ trong giây lát

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With Jesus in the morning

I open my hands out to the Lord, and give thanks for a new day. With each new beginning, the heart is renewed with hope. “For behold, the kingdom of God is among you” (Lk 17: 20-25). Pope Francis says “The kingdom of God is like a small seed that is sown and grows by itself over time. It is God who makes it grow, but without attracting attention.” What grows must be protected, taken care of, and watered. How do I care for and protect this treasure in me? How do I protect the seed that grows in others? I offer my day for the children who are suffering. Our Father.

Praying Flower

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Bông Hoa Cầu Nguyện

With Jesus during the day

I stop my activities to look inside myself. Where is my heart today? What feelings inhabit me? “The kingdom of God is made strong in hope” (Pope Francis). Hope has its source in the God of life, and it is He who sends us to sow this seed in our hearts and take care of it in the hearts of others. I think of a concrete action I can do to bring hope to the most fragile hearts, especially children who are suffering. What gesture do I want to make for them? Continue your journey with Jesus.

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With Jesus in the night

Clear your mind. Take a deep breath, and think about what has given you true joy today. Give thanks to God for anyone who may have helped bring about that joy. Glimpse back to the people who moved in and out of your day. Are there any who may be suffering lately? Could you work to get closer to them? How does God look at their situation, and how do you look at it? Ask for forgiveness if you have avoided meeting them where they are, and make a point to engage with those around you who are hurting, especially vulnerable children. Hail Mary.


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