🌸 父と子と聖霊のみ名によって。アーメン。 🌸
イエスは私たちに言われます: 「わたしの掟を守るなら、わたしの愛にとどまっていることになる。…わたしがあなたがたを愛したように、互いに愛し合いなさい。これがわたしの掟である。」(ヨハネ15:10.12)。あなたに対する神の愛、そして兄弟姉妹に対する愛に生きるよう、今日、招かれていることを感じてください。今日、あなたはこの戒めをどのように生きることができますか?これから出会う人々を心に思い浮かべ、彼らのために主の愛の輝きとなることを意図してください。
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今朝、あなたはどのように生きましたか?愛の中にとどまっていましたか?この言葉を黙想してください: 「主の愛は、私たちのすべての矛盾、私たちのすべての弱さ、私たちのすべての情けなさよりも偉大です」(教皇フランシスコ)。
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With Jesus in the morning
Feeling loved
“As the Father loves me, so I love you. Abide in my love” (Jn 15:9). Begin your day with these beautiful words of Jesus. Repeat them within your heart and feel his love, with the certainty that “no one will be able to take away from us the dignity that His infinite and unbreakable love gives us” (Pope Francis).
Jesus tells us: “If you keep my commandments, you remain in my love… This is my commandment: love one another as I have loved you” (Jn 10:12). Feel invited this day to live in love: in God’s love for you, and in love for your brothers and sisters. How can you live this commandment today? Bring to your heart those whom you will meet and intend to be for them a spark of the Lord’s love.
Make the “prayer of offering” so that the seminarians may live their formation as a true experience with Christ.
Team Mexico
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With Jesus during the day
Love is stronger
Take a moment to pause and ask yourself : How have you lived this morning? Have you remained in love? Meditate on these words: “The love of the Lord is greater than all our contradictions, all our frailties and all our pettiness” (Pope Francis).
Unite yourself to the Pope’s intention by praying for religious women, men religious and seminarians, that every day they may experience the love of Jesus, and that “their pastoral formation may open them to a disposition of service and collaboration with others, cultivating, after the example of Jesus, a special love and closeness to the poor and the marginalized”.
Pray the prayer of the month that all of them grow “in deep listening to the problems, wounds and needs of men and women of today”.
Team Mexico
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With Jesus in the night
Rest in love
The day is about to end. Take a slow, deep breath and review what you have experienced. Give thanks for another day and acknowledge some special graces you received today.
Reflect on your actions… In what signs, gestures, words, actions did you give love to your brothers and sisters?
Thank God for his love present in your day, and review what was not a sign of his love today. Ask God for forgiveness. and think about how you want to live tomorrow. Prepare yourself to rest in the love of the Father.
Our Father…
Team Mexico
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[1] 教皇による意向のために毎日3回祈る取り組みとして「祈祷の使徒」(教皇による祈りの世界ネットワーク)本部では2016年より “Click to Pray“(祈りのクリック)が始まりました。すなわち、日々のみ言葉と教皇による毎月の意向に合わせて、毎日、朝と日中と夕に祈る取り組みです。