Following webpage Click to Pray, let’s pray together and live with Jesus during the day!
「ここにわたしの母、わたしの兄弟がいる」(マタイ12:46-50)。この新しい一日を感謝し、主との出会いのために時間を少し取りましょう。イエスにとって、母および兄弟とは御父のみ旨を行う人々です。 御父のみ旨を行うとは、他の人々にイエスご自身とそのメッセージに向かう道を示すことです。その道は、彼らとイエスとの間により深く、より緊密な絆を築きます。今日、イエスはわたしたちを家族・友と呼んでおられます。周りの人々に対してイエスがなさったと同じように接してみましょう。誰かが除け者にされて一人ぼっちになり苦しんでいるのを見たなら、その人を家族として迎え入れましょう。共感のミッションに協力しますしょう。天におられる…
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今日一日の終わりに、心を落ち着けましょう。今日どのように生きたかをもう一度振り返りましょう。今日の一日はどうでしたか。心はどこにありましたか。周りの人々をすすんで助け、奉仕しましたか。あなたの愛はどのように他の人々に役立っていますか。大切なのは、行いそれ自体ではなく、その中にあなたが込めた愛なのです。周りの人々によりよく仕えるための決心をひとつ書き留めてみましょう。 アヴェ・マリア…
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With Jesus in the morning
“These are my mother and my brothers” (Mathew 12:46-50). Grateful for this new day, reserve a few minutes for your encounter with the Lord. For Jesus, his mother and his brothers are those who carry out the will of the Father. Doing the will of the Father is showing others the way to Jesus and his message, which puts them into a deeper, closer bond with him. Today Jesus calls us family and friend. Do the same with your neighbors. If you see them suffer, alone or excluded, embrace them as a family. Collaborate with the mission of compassion. Our Father…
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With Jesus during the day
Take a break this afternoon to look into your heart. How is your day going? The Pope tells us that “the man who possesses technology knows that, deep down, it is directed neither to utility nor to well-being, but to mastery; dominance, in the most extreme sense of the word.” Our hearts decide the end that we will give to the means that we have at our disposal. Seek the good of your neighbors, love them as a family and put things at the service of your own good and of others. Act as Jesus would have done in your place. Relaunch your day.
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With Jesus in the night
Calm yourself for a break in your day. Revisit how you have lived today. How was your day? Where have you put your heart? Were you available to help and serve your neighbor? How has your love been in service to others? It is not about what you do but about the love you put forth. Write down a purpose to improve in the service of your neighbor. Hail Mary…
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[1] 教皇による意向のために毎日3回祈る取り組みとして「祈祷の使徒」(教皇による祈りの世界ネットワーク)本部では2016年より”Click to Pray”(祈りのクリック)が始まりました。すなわち、日々のみ言葉と教皇による毎月の意向に合わせて、毎日、朝と日中と夕に祈る取り組みです。