Following webpage Click to Pray, let’s pray together and live with Jesus during the day!
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一日を振り返り、起こったことすべてを思い巡らしてみましょう。 誰かが あなたの手、言葉、ハグ、笑顔、あなたの存在を必要としましたか?今日、あなたに神の顔を見せてくれたのは誰でしたか? あなたは神を他の人の人生への贈り物にしてくれませんか?明日あなたの命を神に命を捧げ、あなたの隣人に仕える準備をしましょう。アヴェ・マリア…
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With Jesus in the morning
Good morning, Jesus, thank you for this day and for the gift of prayer. I ask you for the grace to be attentive towards the people around me. Help me to be more and more like you. I offer you my works of this day for Pope Francis and for his intention to pray for this month that all those who suffer may find their way in life, allowing themselves to be touched by the Heart of Jesus. Glory Be…
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With Jesus during the day
“I think of everyone who is unemployed, often because of a selfish mindset that seeks profit at all costs” (Pope Francis). Do I try in any way to help my brothers and sisters who are unemployed? There are countless ways to help, both materially and spiritually. Connecting employers with others we know so they can fill a job vacancy, making a food basket and donating to those who don’t even have what it takes to live, or praying that they will be blessed with a new opportunity. Whether sharing what I have, referring someone or praying, I always have something to offer my neighbor.
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With Jesus in the night
Review your day and think about all that happened. Who needed your hands, your word, a hug, your smile, or your presence? Who was the face of God for you today? Could you make God present in the lives of others? Offer your life to God and prepare to serve your neighbor tomorrow. Hail Mary…
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