Following webpage Click to Pray, let’s pray together and live with Jesus during the day!
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一日を締めくくるために少し時間を取りましょう。 今日起こったことすべてのことを神に感謝しましょう。 あなたはあなたの隣人をどのようにもてなしましたか?あなたの邪魔をしたり、怒りを起こさせたことを覚えていますか?恨みを抱えていますか?あなたの心の中を見つめて平安な魂を持つのに助けにならないものを手放しましょう。あなたが見つけたものを書き留めて神にお渡ししましょう。アヴェマリア…
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With Jesus in the morning
I bless you, Lord! I appreciate the gifts you put into my life every day. Lord, help me to live the day you give me with joy. May my faith and trust in you be full and may I be able to enjoy the company of those around me, living grateful for all that is offered by You. Take away the doubt about tomorrow. I know that you are always with me and take care of me. Father, I offer you my day, together with Pope Francis, for those he recommends to us this month: those who suffer, so that they can be touched by the Heart of your Son Jesus. Our Father…
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With Jesus during the day
Depressed people think a lot about the past and anxious people think a lot about the future. What we really should think about and live is the present. How can I be more present? What can help people to focus on the present is to stop, observe and feel every thing, every movement, to pay attention to thoughts, to your breath and to your heartbeat. This wakes us up and gets people off autopilot. We can learn lessons from the past and the future only if we live well in the present.
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With Jesus in the night
Pause for a moment to end the day. Give thanks for everything that happened today. How did you treat your neighbor? Do you remember anything that disturbed you or caused anger in your heart? Do you hold any grudges? Look within your heart and release what doesn’t help you have a peaceful soul. Take note of what you discover and give it all to God. Hail Mary…
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