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教皇の意向:教育を受ける権利 (1月)



Following webpage Click to Pray, let’s pray together and live with Jesus during the day!


🌸 God Bless You Always 🌸


Praying Flower



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Bông Hoa Cầu Nguyện



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Praying Flower

With Jesus in the morning

What a gift it is to have made it to the end of another moneth. Receive this thanking the Lord for all that you lived and for all the people and opportunitied you crossed. Today Jesus teaches us that He sees the heart, and whether or not it takes advantage of the opportunities its been given. “For if the mighty deeds done in your midst had been done in Tyre and Sidon, they would long ago have repented, sitting in sackcloth and ashes” (Lk 10: 13-16). Look at every little miracle around you and take advantage of it. Don’t waste time judging the other by what he does outwardly. God knows all of him and understands him. Ask for this grace today for yourself. Our Father.

🌸 🌸 🌸

Bông Hoa Cầu Nguyện

With Jesus during the day

We have been praying for the abolition of the death penalty. Stop and reflect on Jesus’ attitude in this regard: “Then Jesus said to him, “Put your sword back into its sheath, for all who take the sword will perish by the sword” (Mt 26:52). Jesus was unjustly arrested and sentenced to death, and he identified with all those imprisoned, guilty or not: “I was imprisoned and you visited me” (Mt 25,36) , and in front of the adulterous woman, he did not question her guilt, but he invited the accusers to examine their own conscience before stoning her (cf. Jn 8:1-11) (Pope Francis). How do you want to embody this compassion towards others in your life?

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With Jesus in the night

In the ending of this month, bring your heart to a rest. How have you lived through your encounters with others and your experience of life? Your day is the meeting place with God and your brothers. The altar is a place to offer yourself and your work for the Kingdom. Did you try to be respectful and merciful to the people you had encounters with? Were you able to pray with your life the intention of this month? If you need to ask for forgiveness, this is the time. Leave everything in the hands of the Lord and start tomorrow renewed and with the intention of humanizing your life around you through love. Hail Mary.

🌸 🌸 🌸 🌸 🌸

🌸 God Bless You Always 🌸

[1] 教皇による意向のために毎日3回祈る取り組みとして「祈祷の使徒」(教皇による祈りの世界ネットワーク)本部では2016年より”Click to Pray”(祈りのクリック)が始まりました。すなわち、日々のみ言葉と教皇による毎月の意向に合わせて、毎日、朝と日中と夕に祈る取り組みです。



