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教皇の意向:司祭職や修道生活への召命 (2月)



Following webpage Click to Pray, let’s pray together and live with Jesus during the day!


🌸 God Bless You Always 🌸


Praying Flower



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Bông Hoa Cầu Nguyện



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Praying Flower

With Jesus in the morning

Wake up to this day opening your arms to what God offers you, willing to be happy. Jesus is the only one who gives answers to your existence or to your happiness. It is not an easy road, “the Son of man has nowhere to lay his head”, but it is a guarantee of fullness. Dare today to follow the deep desire of your heart: “I will follow you, Lord.” (Lk 9: 57-62). Do not try to have everything figured out. Follow the inner voice of the Lord in your prayer and discernment. What is that voice telling you? Surrender today for those who are deprived of their lives and the possibility of those people to make amends. Our Father.

🌸 🌸 🌸

Bông Hoa Cầu Nguyện

With Jesus during the day

Take a break from your activities. How is the mission that Jesus entrusts you going? Regain new strength by listening to the words of Pope Francis. “I encourage you to bring to light, … that the Gospel is a way of humanization in the school of Jesus, … not like the enemies who point the finger and condemn, but with sweetness and respect without getting tired of doing good. Evangelizing and humanizing are inseparable. How do you embody it in your family, in your environments? Do not be discouraged by difficulties. God is with you to help you.”

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With Jesus in the night

The day draws to an end. Calm your mind and restore your inner peace. Is there any special grace that you have received today? Thank the Lord for your brothers, the creation you find yourself in, and for yourself who is an expression of the Love of God. Are you aware of this during the day? Do you stop to savor this truth? Do you try to express this with gestures of kindness, openness, joy, and service? Write down what you discover, and make a resolution for tomorrow that encourages you to give what you receive from the Lord, and to humanize those around you. Hail Mary.

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🌸 God Bless You Always 🌸

[1] 教皇による意向のために毎日3回祈る取り組みとして「祈祷の使徒」(教皇による祈りの世界ネットワーク)本部では2016年より”Click to Pray”(祈りのクリック)が始まりました。すなわち、日々のみ言葉と教皇による毎月の意向に合わせて、毎日、朝と日中と夕に祈る取り組みです。



